The Gem Stories Jewelry can refund your merchandise purchases only if you return them within 10 days after delivery. The merchandise must be returned to The Gem Stories Jewelry in its original packaging to be considered a valid return.
To be eligible for a return, the item or product must not be used, abused, or misused in any way. The products or items you purchased have to be returned to The Gem Stories Jewelry by a Verified Shipping Service, otherwise, We will not accept your return.
Once the product has been received and considered as a valid return, The Gem Stories Jewelry will immediately refund the money you spent on the product(s) you just returned, deducting the cost of shipping fees, packaging expenses, PayPal fee per transaction or Stripe processing fees or Viva Wallet charges per transaction and possible taxes or customs duties during clearance in case of shipping outside EU countries.
We recommend you take all reasonable attempts and verify that those returned products are delivered. The funds will be refunded to the Customer within 14 working days or two weeks after your refund request is confirmed. Please remember that We are not able to refund or exchange any solid gold and/or custom-made items because they are made particularly at your request.
The cost of the shipping service for the returned products is paid by You, the Customer, at the time of return.